Creating The Idea Behind it

by Ali Zaini April 3, 2020

The Idea

When my web applications course professor assigned to me a final project that had to include frontend, backend, and database operations, I immediately thought of my friend's small clothing brand. The creator of the brand had developed this brand last year, and it did relatively well in sales while also gaining a decent social media following. However, when catching up with him last month, he had told me that he had taken the site down due to the cost of keeping it running. It turns out that the site was being run via Shopify, and it was costing him a hefty price monthly. So, when this assignment was announced, I knew that I wanted to demonstrate my talents online while also helping out a good friend. And to do this, I thought of noone better but Kauther Zeini to help me fully implement this website and bring it back to life.

Our Basic Outline

Since both Kauther and I do a decent amount of online shopping, we know what this website is going to need. Essentially, we want to create a landing site, a filtered section site (Men's long sleeve shirts, for example), a shopping bag display page, and a checkout page. On the backend, we know that we are going to need to potentially keep track of new inventory, the storage in the shopping bag, and an implementation of Paypal's Smart Buttons to help with a secure checkout. As for some database implementations, we know that the "Contact Us" section would be a great thing to implement within the webiste, especially when a customer wants to know about their purchases' status.

What to Expect

Now, listed above were simply ideas we outlined based on our personal experiences with other clothing brands. We know that we are missing things that we most likely won't notice until we actually begin implementing the website. However, both Kauther and I are confident in our abilities and excited for the challenge we have ahead us. In the next several blogs, I'll be writing about our journey towards getting the final product, "", complete.